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Since the launch of the MYWAY as Singapore’s pioneer electric scooter and the rising popularity of e-scooters in our community, many new and exciting concept e-scooters are also coming out into the market.
I wanted to show you 2 new scooters that were pretty fascinating to me:
1) Wearable Transport
This belt scooter. How the designer, Adam Torok, thought of this, I would never know, but the concept is pretty awesome. With a scooter like this, you can have your own personal transportation whenever needed and no worry about it getting stolen. This scooter is light enough for you to carry around your waist, but I do question its comfortability with its tiny one sided handle and its ability to hold up your pants. Let alone if it would be able to handle my 200kg of sexiness.
Sources: Design Boom
2) BMW E-Scooter Mini City Surfer
BMW has also been curious about this new e-scooter trend and hopping on the bandwagon with their newly designed electric scooter.
Weight: 18 kg
Range: 15-25 km
Top Speed: 25 km/hr
The specs are only average, but the large wheels make it look like a very solid ride and being that it’s designed by BMW, I’m sure this would be very popular amongst the crowd. We all know that BMW stands for “bring me woman,” and surely the ladies would hop on when they see my new ride right?! But I can’t help but wonder how much these would cost considering their cars already cost quite a bit.
Although they will probably not focus much on making e-scooters and this may merely be a little side project for them, it’s nice to know that a high end car brand has thought about designing a scooter. Unfortunately, these are only prototypes and there’s no word yet on when these scooter would hit production, let alone Singapore.
Sources: BMW
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